Saturday 15 March 2014

15th. March 2014 – 13:00: A.O.W.C. - Wreck Dive.

Back to Tulemben and the now familiar Liberty wreck. Only this time it was straight down to business as the already O.W.C. assessed tasks were acquired assumptions. After a very brief, briefing, we entered the water now much calmer than before. Visibility was crystal clear and the temperature was just a trifle cooler than stepping into a warm bath.

We headed straight offshore towards the wreck. Once down we were right in the middle of what was left of the stern. The wreck’s coral encrusted ribs arched upward. I was still adjusting my buoyancy when my shoulder scraped against the rusted bulkhead, reminding me why it said in the good book to ensure that for wreck diving keeping ones tetanus shots up-to-date was essential.
We cut straight down the middle of the wreck to the stern heading over the top of a bright sunlit coral archway and entered another world gaining some sense of enclosed spaces and why it was important to stay off the bottom and look overhead for any potential obstructions.
32 minutes later and much, much too soon I might add, it was time to go topside.

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