Thursday 24 April 2014

17th. March 2014 – 25th. April 2014: Rendezvous at Menjangan

The days between the last dive and the 25th. April 2014 were spent in scuba limbo planning the next dive. The main dive objective was to just enjoy diving sans any PADI curriculum or assessment. The ideal location seemed to be Menjangan Island off the North-West coast of Bali where the Dive Centre at which I trained has an branch-office. There are about nine popular dive sites around Mennangan.

  • Secret Bay
  • Illicin
  • Tg Bedak
  • Eel Garden
  • Anchor Wreck
  • Sand Slopes
  • Bat Cave
  • Underwater Cave
  • Overhang

Allowing for one dive to be a washout I planned for ten dives to stretch over 4 days.

There was also another personal agenda, photography. Although not very good at it, I planned to try my hand at underwater photography as a side-show and if and ONLY if it did not get in the way of the technicalities of the dive or the enjoyment of diving itself.
That settled and paperwork out of the way, it was time to just sit back and wait for the day.

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