Saturday 19 November 2016

Eel Garden of Menjangan

Dive 14: 08o05'36"S 114o30'09"E:

Made it to Menjangan and a trip out to Eel Garden by boat. The Eel Garden dive is almost certainly a drift dive. The drop-off point is a buoy, located on the outer north of a lagoon, that can sometimes be hard to find.

As you fall off the boat, the top of the reef gently slopes down to meet you. The dive runs along a steep wall that takes you towards the channel between mainland Bali and Menjangan. Beneath your feet it drops off into the blue.

You reach a point at which you can either turn inwards to the left following a coral slope. Your right side disappears into a long sandy plateau as you enter a lagoon.

If however, like most divers who come here, you continue along the wall you arrive at a small coral mound that turns into the entrance to the channel between the two islands.

 At Eel Garden, this sandy ridge is the home of hundreds of garden eels who stand on end to face into the current.
Swimming up the ridge to half way up a small hill, if you turn right it will lead through the channel itself, while turning left will take you around the outer edge of the lagoon. If you swim to the top of this small hill you'll find a beautiful coral garden.

This is a natural safety stop from which you can ascend.

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