Saturday 28 December 2013

27th. December 2013 - 08:30: ...or so the theory goes.

The first form we hit was the PADI indemnity/liability release/diver medical form.  From its content, it was clear to anyone, why this form was necessary. Without wishing to trivialise its significance, if you took it really seriously, you would immediately pack up your life, go back to your bubble, sorry armchair and not move a muscle ever again. That is to say, stop living. I read it from start to finish as carefully as I dared, answered the questions with brutal honesty, prayed to the gods and signed the form. My answers must have pleased the gods as I was permitted to start the course.

Nothing too vigorous to flex the grey matter to start with. Two videos that followed the course material, followed by some equally challenging multiple choice questions and then it was time to put the theory into practice...pool-side/ confined water.

You first have to prove that you can tread water and stay afloat. Ah! I was born for this. On my back, breathe in, hold your breath, stare at the sky, breathe out; nothing to it, except try not to fall asleep. If you find yourself doing this, then you are bored. So roll-over and tread water. Ten minutes over already?

Did I hear you say swim 200m? Any stroke? All those days of swimming in the Hilton pool; this is where it pays off. I lost count after 7 laps and just kept going until told to stop.

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